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Transmission System & Rural Electrification – Tanzania

On February 15th 2019 the kick-off meeting for the feasibility study of Transmission HV lines and substations for rural electrification financed by the European Development Fund (EFD) took place at the Delegation of the European Union at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

SP’s representatives, Stefano Galantino the Project Manager and Anne McAuley, responsible for SP’s Business Development sector, were delighted to meet members from the European Delegation of Tanzania, the National Authorizing Office (NAO), the European Development Fund under the Ministry of Finance and Planning of Tanzania together with representatives from all the project beneficiary institutions:TANESCO, Rural Energy Agency, EWURA and NEMC.

The overall objective of this ambitious project is to provide sustainable access to electricity through construction of electricity infrastructures for rural electrification, in order to increase social and economic development of the populations in beneficiary areas.